Proper Placement of Dental Veneers Ensure Optimal Fit and Function

Dental Veneers Sydney

At Kennedy Dental, we understand the importance of proper placement to ensure your dental veneers look great and function optimally.

Understanding Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are delicate, custom-made shells fashioned from porcelain or composite resin covering the teeth’ front surface. They improve the appearance of teeth that are discoloured, chipped, misaligned, or have gaps. When properly placed, dental veneers can provide a natural-looking and durable solution for achieving a perfect smile.

The Importance of Proper Placement

  1. Optimal Fit
  2. Proper placement of dental veneers ensures that they fit snugly against your natural teeth. An accurate fit is crucial for preventing discomfort, speech difficulties, or difficulties in chewing. At Kennedy Dental, our skilled dentists use precise measurements and advanced techniques to ensure your veneers fit perfectly, providing you with the comfort and confidence you deserve.

  3. Natural Appearance
  4. One of the primary goals of dental veneers is to achieve a natural look that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth. Improperly placed veneers can appear bulky or uneven, detracting from the overall aesthetics. Our team at Kennedy Dental takes great care in matching the shape, size, and colour of the veneers to your natural teeth, ensuring a flawless and natural look.

  5. Longevity and Durability
  6. Adequately placed dental veneers are more likely to last longer and withstand the daily wear and tear of biting and chewing. When veneers are bonded correctly to the teeth, they provide added strength and protection. At Kennedy Dental, we use high-quality materials and advanced bonding techniques to enhance the durability and longevity of your veneers, allowing you to enjoy your beautiful smile for years to come.

The Veneer Placement Process

Placing dental veneers involves several meticulous steps to ensure optimal fit and function. Here’s what you can expect when you choose Kennedy Dental for your dental veneers  Sydney:

  1. Initial Consultation
  2. Our dentists will analyse your oral health and discuss your beautification goals during your initial consultation. We will then take detailed impressions and measurements of your teeth to tailor custom veneers tailored to your unique needs.

  3. Tooth Preparation
  4. A small amount of enamel will be removed from the front surface of the teeth to ensure a proper fit. This step is important for creating space for the veneers and achieving a natural appearance. Our dentists at Kennedy Dental are highly skilled in this process, ensuring minimal discomfort and maximum precision.

  5. Temporary Veneers
  6. While your custom veneers are being fabricated, we may apply temporary veneers to sheild your teeth and maintain your smile’s appearance. These temporary veneers preview the final result and allow you to get used to the feel of veneers.

  7. Bonding the Veneers
  8. Once your personalised veneers are ready, we will carefully attach them to your teeth using a strong adhesive. This process involves cleaning and etching the tooth surface to create a strong bond, applying the adhesive, and placing the veneer. We use advanced bonding techniques to ensure the veneers are securely bonded and adequately aligned, providing a seamless and durable bond.

  9. Final Adjustments
  10. After the veneers are attached, our dentists will adjust to ensure a perfect fit and appearance. We will also check your bite and ensure the veneers feel comfortable and function optimally.

Benefits of Choosing Kennedy Dental

Choosing Kennedy Dental for your dental veneers Sydney comes with several benefits that set us apart:

  1. Expertise and Experience
  2. Our team of dentists at Kennedy Dental has extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, such as the placement of dental veneers. We are dedicated to giving amazing results that enhance your smile’s aesthetics and function, giving you the confidence that you are in expert hands.

  3. Personalised Care
  4. At Kennedy Dental, we understand that every patient is unique. We dedicate time to understanding your concerns and customising our treatment plans to address your specific needs, prioritising your satisfaction and comfort. You will feel valued and understood throughout your journey with us.

  5. State-of-the-Art Technology
  6. We use the latest in dental technology to guanantee precise and efficient veneer placement. Our cutting-edge equipment allows us to achieve superior results with minimal discomfort.

  7. High-Quality Materials
  8. Our dental veneers only use high-quality materials to ensure durability and a natural appearance. Our commitment to quality ensures that your veneers will look and feel great for years.

  9. Comprehensive Aftercare

Our care doesn’t end once your veneers are placed. We offer detailed aftercare instructions and support to help you maintain your new smile. Regular check-ups and maintenance appointments ensure the longevity of your veneers, providing you with the peace of mind that we are always here to support you.


Proper placement of dental veneers is essential for achieving an optimal fit, natural appearance, and long-lasting results. At Kennedy Dental, we take pride in our meticulous approach to veneer placement, ensuring you receive the best possible care and outcomes. If you’re considering dental veneers in Sydney, look at Kennedy Dental. Our expertise, personalised care, state-of-the-art technology, high-quality materials, and comprehensive aftercare make us the top choice for your dental veneer needs.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your  journey to a stunning smile. Visit our website at Kennedy Dental and discover how our expertise can transform your smile with perfectly placed dental veneers. Don’t wait – achieve the smile of your dreams with Kennedy Dental.